"The pen is stronger the sword "
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The pen is mightier than the sword, because the writing can terminate with inconvenient facts, you can give information, so the teacher Angela Salmon, teacher, trying to highlight through a historical excursus from Socrates to Virgil, from the novels of the nineteenth century.
As writing is a powerful weapon of the complaint notice from the works of Pellico, Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni.
printing also uses writing as a weapon to denounce.
Writing is freedom and culture.
The writing is powerful and can hurt more than the sword.
The sword kills you physically, you just died, everything ends.
Writing can kill you as a man, and is forever, it can make you unpopular with the public.
Writing is communication, knowledge, information, as claimed by Nino Lo Iacono.
L’uomo inizia a scrivere sin dalla preistoria, attraverso i segni, con i quali i popoli comunicavano e facevano conoscere ai popoli che venivano dopo di loro, la loro storia.
Secondo Lo Iacono, i giornalisti utilizzano la scrittura come arma di denuncia e di informazione, attraverso i fatti di cronaca, raccontando storie di altri uomini, verità sconcertanti.
Verità che hanno portato molti delitti, proprio perché la scrittura è un’arma che ferisce ed uccide.
Uccide l’uomo in quanto tale, attraverso le denunce che servono a renderlo inviso ai popoli.
kill the man who writes shocking truth, that did not have to write and bring to the attention of the people, this according to Dr. Mario Pintagro.
The event proceeded with the exhibition of paintings by local artists, and by reading some passages of the books on display by Marco Conti Gallenteans.
Philip Puglia
Photo of Mark Mammana
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