Monday, March 14, 2011

I Delete Bootcamp Parallel

Beetroot with cream cheese and ham pie quartirolo

The winter is ending and beginning to end also the time for hot soups and reassuring.
I I took the opportunity and I enjoyed this wonderful cream.
hot, not too sweet, and so much "comfort food "....:-)

  • One shallot
  • A medium raw beetroot
  • Vegetable broth
  • Quartirolo at will
  • evo oil, salt, pepper
start fry sliced \u200b\u200bshallots in two tablespoons of oil. Add la rapa pulita e tagliata a tocchetti, lasciamo insaporire e poi copriamo tutto con il brodo vegetale già caldo.
Portiamo a cottura e frulliamo tutto con il minipimer, fino a renderlo cremoso (in aggiunta si può stemperare un cucchiaio di creme freiche).
Servire la crema bollente in una ciotola sbriciolando sulla superficie una bella fettona di quartirolo.
Bon appetit ! 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Toter Trash Cans At Lowes

Photojournalism - Buenos Aires

From Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, where waving flags with the image of Che, the colors of the ... through the Caminito Tango and the Palermo district. And 'here in the chaos of the city and between the faces of Ni Doors that the essence of the metropolis we live in argentina and we bid farewell to this incredible journey ...
Creative Commons License
This work is published under Creative Commons License


Friday, March 11, 2011

Bleeding For Eight Days

photojournalism - Patagonia Argentina

The Route 40 will have perhaps the ancestral charm of the Carretera Austral, Patagonia me is here that shows its face more rude. And 'here more than any other place where the wind and loneliness are the masters for hundreds of miles, a road that magically brings us incredible group of Fitz Roy and glacier "alive" in the world the Assessor Moreno. Not to mention the pearls of Punta Tombo and Peninsula de Valdes nothing shining in the Atlantic coast.

Creative Commons License
This work is published under Creative Commons License


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Religious Welcome Speeches

Ma quanto mi piace lo stracchinoooo !!!!!!!!  ;-P
E Fortunately, also like the other members of the crew ....
So does this pie, the result of one evening when I had nothing ready, coming back from swimming with monsters and with only 30 minutes to assemble a decent dinner.
Try ....

300 grams of soft cheese 1 package of sliced \u200b\u200bbread
150 grams of cooked ham
Parmesan cheese to taste bread crumbs to taste

At the bottom of a pan lined with parchment paper put a layer of sliced \u200b\u200bbread. Put on top of the ham and soft cheese slices, cover with Parmesan cheese. Alternate the layers until you reach a finger from the edge of the pan (I used a cake pan with removable rim). Sprinkle with a layer of Parmesan and bread crumbs, seasoned with a drizzle of olive oil and bake at 200 ° C for about 20 minutes, until golden brown.
Bon appetit!

Sore Throat And Blood In Mucus

photojournalism - Tierra del Fuego

After miles of earth, sand and wind can not look good so you can navigate the waters of the iron-colored Beagle Channel ... because the End of the World is not a place, but it is first of all a state of mind ... a feeling that the difficulty of the climate makes it even stronger. A long shiver that runs on the skin as an albatross searching the horizon with all its curves nell'cielo ...
(Click here for images)

Creative Commons License
This work is published under Creative Commons License


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tortuga Rum Cake Whlie Pregnant

photojournalism: Carretera Austral Patagonia Chilena &

Carretera Austral, a place that evoked before you leave me untouched nature and ancient forest ... a place for which I have not enough words that can express emotions try in pursuit, let go and ran behind us .... here it is a brief overview camera, not to mention the splendid house of Neruda in Isla Negra, and the wonderful park of Torres Paine ... .

Creative Commons License
This work is published under Creative Commons License


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rubber Tips Ironing Boards

an article on my creations on

to read the article:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tattoo And Sickle Cell People

news .. ♥

Nana ♥

Lum ♥ piece

Jem ♥

Magica Emi ♥

rose ♥ Yu in

Incantevole ♥ Creamy

Esmeralda ♥

Rapunzel ♥

All news will be on sale on FB ( php? id = 100000718144236 ) by March 10!

For further info write me a mail (

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Et4 Service Manual Free

cioccozuccherose Nuts (Ode Marble)

I found on Facebook. I met her on Wired New York. I also unearthed with its foodblog. She I was never disappointed his recipes make you watering, feel the scent of her cookies even from miles away. It 'a sweet, sensitive, determined and creative: the ideal best friend ... I never met her but sooner or later .....
In short, this is yet another recipe for Marble little sister by adoption and author of many of the recipes that propinano daily to my little family.
This is also a success. Try it!

Ingredients: Hazelnuts toasted
  • Powdered sugar
  • Dark chocolate
Approximately doses are: the weight of chocolate is half that of hazelnuts.
We melt the chocolate, and indulge yourself nuts. Mix well to adhere to the chocolate hazelnut. Then we reverse all in a cardboard tray on which we have previously paid a fine layer of powdered sugar. Rotoliamoci each well to coat nuts with sugar.
Let dry and harden well.
Ready to munch on.
WARNING: addictive !!!!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Create Your Own Wwe Entrance Online


Judith and Holofernes

of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

1597 - 1598
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 145 x 195 cm
Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica


Gli artisti che hanno preceduto Caravaggio, attenuavano l’effetto orribile della decapitazione, mettendo in evidenza soprattutto il momento in cui Giuditta ripone in un sacco la testa mozzata del generale, che poi viene portata via dall’accampamento dalla serva.

Michelangelo Merisi sceglie, invece, di rappresentare l’apice spaventoso del racconto.

Questa drammatica scena è la prima di un gruppo di dipinti, dove the figures are treated with unusual clarity, hardness and with a steady light and precise, which tends to bring out the details more horrible, more gruesome and bloody scene, thus accentuating the effects of expression.

In this context it should be noted that the woman's face alongside Judith, with sagging skin and eyes wide open.
boundary is a figure of great artistic value, and contract with aggressive face, with wrinkles and pronounced his toothless mouth.
These, evidence that points to the limits of caricature, but without fall into the grotesque.

For this type of paintings, Caravaggio, using a rectangular canvas, so it can expand the distance between the characters.

In the scene, trying to wriggle Holofernes, while Judith performs the act of decapitation, using a scimitar and revealing shapely and muscular arms.

To give the face to the protagonist, returns to pose for Caravaggio, Phyllis Melandroni.
The same model who posed for the face to at St. Catherine of Alexandria, her hair streaked paths and penetrating dark eyes.
The costume is similar, with square neckline, puffed sleeves and bodice with shoulder straps.

The wrinkled hands, the slave Abra are full of nervousness and horror, while shaking and rubbing a cloth in which Judith will lay the severed head of Holofernes, and then take it as a trophy in the town of Betulia.

There are many factors that contribute to disclose the setting of the scene.
The background is dark, there is also a red drapery in the upper left and a small part of the bed on which lies the Assyrian general.

Michelangelo Merisi climate has remained faithful to the Biblical episode, doing decapitate the general Middle East with a dagger, but he also discounted the scene, as the clothing of Judith is typical of women 's his contemporary era.

The artist sets the emotional climax in the image of Holofernes, the glazed look would suggest that it is already dead, but the spasms and muscle tension indurrebbero a pensare il contrario.
E questo è il movimento che l’artista ha dato alla scena, facendo sì che questa vivesse agli occhi dell’osservatore.

Accanto a Giuditta, Michelangelo Merisi, ha inserito una serva molto vecchia e brutta, come simbolico contraltare alla bellezza e alla giovinezza della vedova.
In questo modo, l’autore, sottolinea le differenze tra le due figure e fa risaltare maggiormente la prima, che incarna grandi valori morali.

La poca credibilità di Giuditta as a widow and physical tension minimum at which she, shocked, cuts off the head of Holofernes, confirm the strong symbolic representation.

Unlike painting by Artemisia Gentileschi, Caravaggio, Judith is a symbol of salvation that God offers the Jewish people, raising also the symbol of the church and its salvific role, which is further evidenced by the white color of the Women's shirt, which evokes the harshness.

They say that Caravaggio had painted the picture thinking about the story of Beatrice Cenci, who along with his mother and brother, father killed the owner, after have fallen asleep with opium.

Philip Puglia

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homemade Clothing Displays


Judith Slaying Holofernes

Artemisia Gentileschi

Naples Museum Capodimonte National

1612 - 1613
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimensions 158.8 x 125.5 cm

Read ..

This painting strikes for the raw, high-violence that is represented, for the immediacy of the subjects, the theatrical taste typical of the baroque and the wisdom with which colors are used.
el'impassibilità The coldness of Judith, his effort to hold the head of Holofernes, the general who in turn tries to dismiss the servant who helps the protagonist to behead him.
This issue was addressed by Caravaggio, but unlike the Lombard master painting by Artemisia has autobiographical overtones.

Artemisia, era figlia del pittore Orazio, all’età di diciotto anni, nel 1611, si trovava ad aiutare il padre nella realizzazione degli affreschi di Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi a Roma, quando venne stuprata dal pittore Agostino Tassi, collaboratore di Orazio Gentileschi.
Orazio sporse denuncia nei confronti del collega e riuscì a farlo condannare, in quanto si scoprì che era già sposato con un’altra donna e che questa era ancora in vita, quindi non si poteva unire in matrimonio con Artemisia.
in fact the first time the rate was willing to join in marriage with the girl, so repairing the wrong done.
Orazio and Artemisia, however, not knowing that the rate was married, at first not to report the fact of doing so only a few months later.

While the footage is taken from biblical iconography, in which the Jewish heroine Judith, was that he did fall in love with the Assyrian general Holofernes, whose soldiers were besieging the city of Betulia.
After having drunk the leader, Judith beheaded him, thus depriving the Assyrians for their valiant leader as captain, was therefore easy for the defenders put to flight the enemies.

Artemisia painted the scene with the maid of Judith along with his mistress when the decapitation was carried out, contrary to what we would like the Biblical tradition where The maid only to hide the head of Holofernes in a bag.

In the scene we see the ferocity that shows off great in Judith cut off the head of Holofernes;
scene that could be attributed to the painter's revenge against the rapist rates.

Artemisia uses the art of painting to express his bitterness and his contempt for his past and the man who abused her.

is clear that according to Artemisia, the sentence imposed on her rapist was insufficient and so she wanted to ensure that his story would remain imprinted in the cloth so as to remember all the pain in the following centuries.
A cry of despair of a young violated, an attempt to deliver to the history of the grievance and make everyone understand the suffering endured.

In support of this hypothesis, a rematch of the painter, we can compare with the Judith scene painted.
We can see that are very similar.
All The curvaceous heroine painted, closely resembles that of Artemisia. The thick dark hair of Holofernes refers to the hair of Agostino Tassi.
also add that the holy book betrays the idea that he wanted to abuse Judith Holofernes, then the data is taken and the parallelism is more than satisfactory.

L’azione nella scena è concitata e feroce allo stesso tempo, l’artista fa in modo che l’attenzione dell’osservatore non si concentri solo su un singolo particolare, ma sia portata a soffermarsi su tutti i dettagli della scena, il cui centro è da trovare nelle mani di Giuditta che recidono il capo di Oloferne.

Artemisia non fa niente per attenuare il particolare più cruento della composizione, anzi, cerca di aumentare la tensione dipingendo sul volto di Oloferne una smorfia di dolore e disperazione e macchiando il lenzuolo su cui posa il condottiero, con rivoli di sangue che sgorgano dalla ferita.

Giuditta non pare in alcun modo turbata, ma rimane ferma nella sua impassibilità, scostandosi leggermente e tenendo le braccia tese, forse perché inorridita, o forse per far sì che il sangue che erompe dalla testa di Oloferne non le macchi il vestito riccamente decorato.
Gli squarci di luce che mettono in rilievo le figure dei tre protagonisti derivano dalla lezione di Caravaggio, che artemisia conosceva bene in quanto amico del padre, e da quella di Orazio stesso, che tra gli allievi del Merisi fu forse il più attento e allo stesso tempo il più originale.

Le tonalità cupe sono tipiche del barocco e contribuiscono a conferire un tocco di teatralità alla scena.
I gesti e gli sguardi delle due donne sono studiati nei minimi dettagli, così come il disperato tentativo del guerriero che oppone, seppur invano, tutta la sua forza per impedire che l’eroina possa tagliargli la testa.
Dei due dipinti colpiscono i colori, luminosi e vibranti, in special modo quelli della veste di Giuditta, sono blu nell’esemplare napoletano e gialla in quello fiorentino, che esaltano tutta la femminilità della giovane, malgrado l’atrocità della situazione.

L’artista non vuole rinunciare ad offrire allo spettatore le forme generose di Giuditta, simbolo della pittrice. La cura e l’attenzione per i colori, per le vesti e per le forme delle protagoniste si avvertono in modo tangibile, basta dare una semplice occhiata alle stoffe e ai ricami per rendersi conto Hand and feminine touch that are behind this work of high quality paint.

violated a woman's hand that he wants to regain his name through painting.

Artemisia Gentileschi painted Judith and Holofernes in two copies, one of the later and most important dimensions, built in the early twenties of the seventeenth century and preserved in the Uffizi Gallery and another painted around 1612 and kept at the National Museum of Naples Capodimonte.

Philip Puglia

Taken by Dr. Giannini Federico Carrara

Table Tent Cards Printing


But when you manage to go to Ikea leave empty handed?! Not me. Never. This time I was stolen
delicious muffin tins paper. Colorful and fun.
How to use them? Instead of the usual muffin I tried with some sweets and soft that you can do depending on the tastes of those who will be with a snack ....
  • 335 gr flour 250 ml vegetable oil 250 ml sugar
  • 4 eggs 4 tablespoons milk 2 packets of vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • for garnish: chopped nuts, chocolate chips, chopped apples, berries, of smarties chocolate, jam, Nutella, white chocolate, coconut .......
In a large bowl beat eggs with sugar. We combine the vanilla, oil and milk. Mix well with the sifted flour and baking powder. This is the basic body that must be combined the other ingredients to taste. Meanwhile, fill the paper cups only halfway with the mixture, and garnish as desired. I
I've made some with chocolate chips, I put some other smarties on the surface, and in others I did sink into the dough a nice dollop of nutella or jam, then a tablespoon of chopped apple .....
Bake at 180 ° C for about 10 minutes.
Bon appetit!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yiff Powerpoint Presentation

The Pen is mightier than the sword



"The pen is stronger the sword "

Read ..

The pen is mightier than the sword, because the writing can terminate with inconvenient facts, you can give information, so the teacher Angela Salmon, teacher, trying to highlight through a historical excursus from Socrates to Virgil, from the novels of the nineteenth century.
As writing is a powerful weapon of the complaint notice from the works of Pellico, Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni.
printing also uses writing as a weapon to denounce.
Writing is freedom and culture.
The writing is powerful and can hurt more than the sword.
The sword kills you physically, you just died, everything ends.
Writing can kill you as a man, and is forever, it can make you unpopular with the public.
Writing is communication, knowledge, information, as claimed by Nino Lo Iacono.
L’uomo inizia a scrivere sin dalla preistoria, attraverso i segni, con i quali i popoli comunicavano e facevano conoscere ai popoli che venivano dopo di loro, la loro storia.
Secondo Lo Iacono, i giornalisti utilizzano la scrittura come arma di denuncia e di informazione, attraverso i fatti di cronaca, raccontando storie di altri uomini, verità sconcertanti.
Verità che hanno portato molti delitti, proprio perché la scrittura è un’arma che ferisce ed uccide.
Uccide l’uomo in quanto tale, attraverso le denunce che servono a renderlo inviso ai popoli.
kill the man who writes shocking truth, that did not have to write and bring to the attention of the people, this according to Dr. Mario Pintagro.
The event proceeded with the exhibition of paintings by local artists, and by reading some passages of the books on display by Marco Conti Gallenteans.

Philip Puglia

Photo of Mark Mammana

Funny Pokemon Tshirts

disney princesses .. and not just ♥


Alice - Alice in Wonderland

Jasmine - Aladdin

Tiana - The Princess and the Frog


Belle - Beauty and Beast

Aurora - The Sleeping Beauty

Ariel - Little Mermaid

Megara - Hercules

Tinker Bell - Peter Pan