recipe fast, easy and still smelling of summer ....
Ingredients: - 100 grams of rusks
- 80 grams of melted butter
- 200 grams of Philadelphia or the like
; - 250 g cheese
- 10 tablespoons of pesto
- 3 sheets of gelatin
; - A beautiful bunch of fresh basil
- a handful of shelled walnuts
- pecorino cheese to taste
; - 200 gr tomatoes datterini
begin to blend the biscuits with melted butter: apply the mixture on the bottom of a pan 20-22 cm in diameter and place in the refrigerator.
prepare the cream, mixing well with the ricotta and pesto Philadelphia: taste (I can not help it ..!) And salt. Combine cream cheese gelatine previously soaked in water, drained and melted in the fire with 2 tablespoons of sweet milk or cream. Mix well and pour into the mold above the base of toasted bread and put in refrigerator until ready to serve.
Just before bringing to the table decorated with cherry tomatoes and basil sauce prepared blending together the basil, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil, pecorino cheese and salt.
Bon appetit!
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