Close .. Il Circolo ACLI" St. George "in Gioiosa Marea (Me), during the celebrations
Patron Saint George Martyr, announces the first painting competition themed on the figure of the saint.
The exhibition will be included in the program of festivities organized by the Association.
The competition is open to all Italian and foreign artists, from 14 over, and participation is
Each artist can submit work.
Each work must carry a card with the following information: year of implementation, technical
used, name and address and telephone number. The work must be
adequately equipped with a hook for a simple arrangement on the wall.
are open to all techniques.
A committee will select the works.
The works must be delivered or sent at the registered office of ACLI S. Giorgio di Gioiosa
Marea, c / o Nunziatina Bartolone, in S. George 8 / A, 98063 S. Giorgio of Gioiosa Marea, by
no later than Tuesday, March 15, 2011. Works sent must be received in secure containers. The costs
transport and packaging are completely borne by the participants.
The Association reserves the right to accept or decline participation in the contest works.
The exclusion can be justified for non-compliance with this Regulation or the
indecent work submitted to the Jury.
The selected works will be exhibited in the local parish hall of the "Holy Spirit" from 24
April to 1 May 2011 in the afternoon. The award ceremony will take place on the feast
patron. Participants will be personally notified by April 20, 2011.
Prizes for winners will be divided as follows:
- 1st prize € 500.00
- 2nd prize € 300.00
- 3rd prize € 200.00
artists can freely decide to donate the work for the charity auction that
intends to achieve during the event. Otherwise, the works should be
withdrawn (or request) at their own expense by the artists from 2 to 7 Maggio2011 previa comunicazione.
Oltre questo termine le opere diverranno proprietà dell’organizzazione.
Il giudizio della Commissione Artistica, sia per quanto riguarda l’accettazione delle opere e
la proclamazione di quella vincitrice è insindacabile ed inappellabile. Il Comitato organizzatore,
pur garantendo la massima vigilanza delle opere consegnate, non si assume alcuna responsabilità
per eventuali furti e/o danni che le stesse potranno subire. La partecipazione al premio implica la
completa conoscenza e la totale accettazione del presente regolamento.
In conformità alla legge n.196/03 sulla tutela dei dati personali si informa che i dati forniti
saranno trattati con la massima riservatezza e si potrà, in ogni momento, richiedere
l’aggiornamento, la verifica o la cancellazione degli stessi. L’Associazione will use the right
publish images of the works and the event.
News of the event will be sent to newspapers, magazines and a weekly
For information contact:
Pro Loco - San Giorgio, Via A. Doria. 98063 San Giorgio di Gioiosa Marea
334/3023832 (Nunziatina - afternoons)
349/4703664 (Silvia)