One day on Monday
walked at a time of Superga
leaving behind the cold Turin.
I came all the way up the hill accompanied by his
where stood the stately basilica.
were stunned at the sight of anything;
we looked at, but our eyes
not incontraron gaze of others,
only our voice we heard in anything,
at some point in the middle
we saw the whiteness of the shadows,
were the pillars of the immense Basilica,
that stood, impetuous
on the hill overlooking the valley as to all ' around her surroundings.
Samu, approached dissolving in the fog,
only with a camera shutter
I could see a black spot,
the whiteness that oppressed all that there was standing.
I took many photos
and review them, seem a
represents the best of horror movies.
I went too,
remaining ice
at the sight of the immense.
I would by asking,
who was?
man who once had so much courage
to represent the immense, so great majestic.
But I already knew;
was he of whom I bear the name and origins,
but not the genius that flows in his blood.
amavan The Greeks built their temples
leaving untouched the nature
and harmoniously with it.
Lui, tal Filippo Juvarra
lascia intatta la natura del paesaggio
e la sovrasta armoniosamente e impetuoso
nella bellezza del suo essere, attraverso l'opera compiuta.
foto di Filippo Puglia
Filippo Puglia