Monday, January 31, 2011

Congratulation Letter Pregnant

cultural events to commemorate the Master Accordino

Dedicated to the Master

by videosangiorgio

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why Do I Have A Lot Of Moles?

For a trip Superga

Basilica di Superga

photo of Francis Augustine

Read ..

One day on Monday
walked at a time of Superga
leaving behind the cold Turin.

I came all the way up the hill accompanied by his
where stood the stately basilica.

were stunned at the sight of anything;
we looked at, but our eyes
not incontraron gaze of others,

only our voice we heard in anything,
at some point in the middle
we saw the whiteness of the shadows,

were the pillars of the immense Basilica,
that stood, impetuous
on the hill overlooking the valley as to all ' around her surroundings.

Samu, approached dissolving in the fog,
only with a camera shutter
I could see a black spot,
the whiteness that oppressed all that there was standing.

I took many photos
and review them, seem a
represents the best of horror movies.

I went too,
remaining ice
at the sight of the immense.

I would by asking,
who was?
man who once had so much courage
to represent the immense, so great majestic.

But I already knew;
was he of whom I bear the name and origins,
but not the genius that flows in his blood.

amavan The Greeks built their temples
leaving untouched the nature
and harmoniously with it.

Lui, tal Filippo Juvarra
lascia intatta la natura del paesaggio
e la sovrasta armoniosamente e impetuoso
nella bellezza del suo essere, attraverso l'opera compiuta.

foto di Filippo Puglia

Filippo Puglia

Lacrosse Team Slogan Ideas

Carmelo Bene - Mayakovsky "Beloved Myself" (Poetry)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sore Cervix In Early Pregnancy

Quote Philosophy


The nice thing is beautiful when it participates in the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty.
Consider the nature of divine work.
enhances the value of poetry is when
inner product of true inspiration ..

Plato's theory of ideas

Tips On Brookstone Helicopter

S. Giorgio di Gioiosa Marea (ME)

A panoramic view of my country

Video edited by Saro Magistri
from Youtube VideoSangiorgio
Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Homebrew Specific Gravity With Yeast

Valentine ♥ .. the most beautiful couple of cartons of today and yesterday ♥

cameo brooch / necklaces
4 cm diameter cameo
characters handmade polymer clay

sally & jack

Alice with Cheshire Cat ♥

Alice with Mad Hatter ♥

princess & frog

lilo & stitch

peter pan & wendy

jasmine e aladdin

& minnie mouse ♥

calimero & priscilla ♥

Polls & AD ♥

Ariel & Eric ♥

heidi e peter

disponibili sul sito:

Best Eyebrow Hard Wax Ottawa

The Alternative Cultural Group in collaboration with the Pro Loco San Giorgio
Memorial Maestro Angelo Accordino

Read ..

Master Angelo was a teacher, and at the same time he was a writer and researcher who made the theater his battlefield to communicating to people the fruits of his research.

With this event we wanted to remember what the Master has been for all of us.
He was a master of life and made us grow up with the sense of aggregation, collection, group, putting the pronoun in front of us all, I am deleting the character, because the protagonist had to be the group.

Exciting interpret Laura Mollica, who has so elevated the event to a level, I dare say, professional.
Laura Mollica, grandissima cantante siciliana di livello internazionale, allo stesso tempo molto affettuosa e amabile come persona.
Giuseppe Greco, grande musicista siciliano di livello internazionale e anche lui molto affettuoso e persona spettacolare.

Mimmo Mollica, giornalista, critico d’arte, musicista e attore, anche lui ha dato un tocco professionale alla manifestazione, toccando dei punti importanti del carattere del Maestro.
Un mio commento sulla qualità della persona è quello e non può essere altro, di una bella persona.

Emozionante è stata l’interpretazione di Stefano La Rosa , che ha recitato le parole del Maestro, ricordando tutte quelle persone che oggi, purtroppo non sono più qui con noi.

Infine, concludo con il gruppo musicale che ci ha accompagnato nella serata, gli EXTREMOSUD.
A group that plays and sings folk music of Sicily.
Of great guy, which are provided without batting an eye, giving their great contribution to the expression levels of data maintained by Laura Mollica, Giuseppe Greek and Mimmo Mollica.
The projected video did the rest.

The projected video, made us familiar with the various stages covered in theater and cultural historical research by the Teacher and Cultural Group L’Alternativa.

le foto sono di Daniele Di Pino
Filippo Puglia

Why Are My Beans Making My Microwave Spark

frame scraps "Valentine's Day" Promotion

..un'idea romantica per il giorno di San Valentino

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thing Punishable By Death In The Bible

Diet preoperative ...!!!

Brodin boiled eggs ... anything .... let alone fruit and vegetables!! Do not I'll never .....:-(
regime "soupy" Unfortunately I was forced to intervene in that laparoscopy will undergo Wednesday, but why torture me so, even now?!?! I know you understand me ... You love good food and the taste .... However, if
"must one gets" ... the Fò!
Meanwhile I leave you for about a week, enough time to do the surgery and come back in shape and hungry than ever !!!!!
Remember: preparatemi some tasty recipe for my recovery !!!!!
A big kiss to everyone!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Canam You Buy Alcohol With A Temporary Id?

yellowish Cakes!

Lo zafferano.
In casa nostra spopola: i miei figli lo metterebbero dappertutto e devo dire che l'aggiunta di questa spezia giallina mi aiuta a far mangiare il piccolo, notoriamente schizzinoso !
Anche queste tortine salate sono nate dall'esigenza di mettere in tavola qualcosa di gradito al principino.
La base è una semplicissima brisè allo zafferano e con il ripieno ci si può sbizzarrire a vostro piacere.
Ingredienti per la pasta brisè:
  • 200 gr di farina

  • 70 ml di acqua fredda

  • 100 gr di burro

  • 1 bustina di zafferano sciolta in un cucchiaio di acqua Hot
  • a pinch of salt
Put the flour in the center and break up the butter (cold from the fridge!). Add cold water gradually and dissolved saffron. Knead and roll out the dough into small circles, depending on the size of your molds.
For the filling:
  • 3 eggs 2 tablespoons milk
  • broccoli, boiled and sieved
  • fresh diced bacon
  • ham cubes
  • parmesan
  • sausage
  • fontina
Fill each of Formina brisè with desired ingredients, I've done it with some sausage and fontina cheese, broccoli and ham, bacon and fontina. Finally, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt, milk and grain: put two or three tablespoons of mixture into patties, sprinkle with a little more cheese and bake at 200 ° C for about 15 to 20 minutes. Eating
still hot and racy!!
Bon appetit!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Soft Cervix White Creamy Discharge

Donuts salmon

I am back from Christmas holidays. A little apart, a little more sad and stressed the many problems, but still alive. The impression is that it started from December now, a period some not: health, family, various issues. It does not seem to want to end. But sooner or later it will work out. Meanwhile I get distracted with my stove and I immediately placed a recipe from "riciclone"!
  • slices of fresh salmon
  • sliced \u200b\u200bsmoked salmon
  • Mashed potatoes very soft
  • grated Grana
  • sesame seeds, poppy, spicy breadcrumbs .....
start with the state, being a recipe for leftovers, not the amount I can give you, need you go to eye ....;- P
In a pot with boiling salted water, cook the steaks we salmon for about 10 minutes. Li drained and cooled once we reduce them to a pulp with a fork. Add to the mix the strips of smoked salmon and mashed smooth. Mix with spoon three or four of grain and put the mixture into a pastry bag (you spell that? Boh ....).
on baking sheet covered with parchment paper the size of the buns with mixture.
On the surface of the donuts you can put what you like: I put on some of the poppy seeds, sesame seeds and other breadcrumbs flavored with a rosemary, thyme and extra virgin olive oil.
Put in oven at 180 ° C until the surface of the pretzels will be very colorful.

Bon appetit!
and Happy New Year to you all!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Glucosamine For Tendons

Cultural Event