Friday, September 24, 2010

Dragon Ball Real Life Doujinshi

Fish pie crust pesto

I am back among you, not yet completely healed, but fit enough to create a delicious dish of fish and the few remnants left in the freezer during these days of quarantine!
Compliments of hubby make me think that I really made something good ...:-)

- 500 g of fish fillets (salmon and sole)
; -
1 egg - 2 slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbread
- milk and salt
- 4 teaspoons pesto
               - una manciata di pomodorini
               - parmigiano grattugiato
               - pangrattato qb
Boil in salted boiling water fish fillets: drain after a few minutes, peel and mash with a fork in a bowl. Add egg, chopped tomatoes in half and the bread soaked in milk and squeezed, mix well and season with salt.
Put the mixture in a small baking dish, I've used for a 20x17 cm, oiled. Spread on the bottom a couple of tablespoons of bread crumbs and place the mixture and squeeze it well. On the surface, spread the pesto and cover well with a layer of Parmesan cheese.
Bake at 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
Bon appetit!
meantime I'm going to go shopping ...... Hello!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Clear Glycerin Soap Body Shop

Monsters in the kitchen .....

Runny nose ... headache .... throat burning fever ..... .........
I'm sick: I thought to cover children properly during rainy days and in the end I cooled myself. And the sick mother did not really want to cook .... Then think about my little monsters, following my directions, prepare a succulent
- 6 slices of sandwich loaf
- 2 mozzarella
- 2 eggs
- Breadcrumbs
- pesto
Whisk in a bowl with the eggs a pinch of salt. Take a slice of bread and pass the egg, then in bread crumbs and set in a pan covered with parchment paper: do the same with the other two slices of bread. On each slice of bread we qche breaded slices of mozzarella cheese and a teaspoon of pesto. Cover with the other three slices of bread and dipped in bread crumbs.
Bake at 180 ° C golden brown.
The shark has the like.
And the mother thanked her puppies so-chefs Paul and Alexander!
Bon appetit!