Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Get In School In Poptropica

That: is over the time when Bertha was spinning ...

When Betty was spinning?
Under Nero

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Here we speak di Berta, quella che fila nel noto detto popolare, che ancora oggi pronunciamo per alludere ad un passato che si perde nella notte dei tempi. Chi era Berta, e che c'entra l'attività di filatrice con l'idea di un'epoca remota? E' solo perché oggi non si fila più a mano? No, perché il detto era già in voga quando in Italia abbondavano le spole e le donne chine sul telaio. C'è una versione leggendaria sulle origini del motto, riportata dal grande poeta dialettale Gigi Zanazzo, che lega il personaggio di Berta a Lucio Domizio Enobarbo, imperatore dal 53 dopo Cristo col nome di Nerone Claudio Cesare, incendiario e primo persecutore dei Cristiani. Tra i molti aneddoti fioriti intorno alla figura di Nerone, tra le più discusse dell'antichità, There is also this: Bertha was a poor woman who spent his life spinning sewing the ends meet. One day passes in front of the emperor and stops to watch her work to the shuttle, perhaps interested in the similarity between a woman and the image of the Fates, weavers who weave the thread divinity of every human life. Nero is known, considering the high singer and poet, do not overlook any possible source of inspiration. Excited and intimidated, Berta Nero wishes long life: "What the gods, Caesar, give you a thousand years of good health!" The emperor, who could not enjoy the benefit of the people, asked the astonished because of that greeting. At that point, the spinner, in a surge of realism, he replied: "Why the worst is never dead." Nero was a kind unpredictable: anyone who could kill for trivial reasons, but he could appreciate the wisdom and courage. And so he said to Bertha, "Woman, come tomorrow in my building and brings you all the flax yarn from now until tomorrow morning. You will not regret." Berta was the ice will strangle me with linen, he thought. But as disobeying the Emperor? The next morning, therefore, knocked on the doors of the Domus Aurea and stood trembling in front of Nero, by handing in his hands all over the yarn. And the Caesar gave proof of magnanimity he loved due: he called a servant and ordered him to give the woman who could hold many land the linen thread. Since that day, Berta, become rich, stopped spinning. Rome to spread the voice immediately dell'insperata luck happened to the woman. And all the spinners are stacked in front of the imperial palace, hoping to get at least a part of what got former colleague. But Nero sent them a freedman with his response: "All home! It is no longer the time that Bertha was spinning ...".

How Fast Bladder Cancer Grow

Cern, set up and imprisoned antimatter

Cern, set up and imprisoned antimatter

products for the first time in a controlled 38 anti-hydrogen atoms
The discovery "early" in the famous novel by Dan Brown "Angels and Demons'

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LONDON - A result that seems taken from a film. Atoms of antimatter were produced in the laboratory and "imprisoned" in an experiment conducted at CERN in Geneva. The result has been obtained from the experiment known as Alpha, which allowed for the first time in a controlled manner to produce atoms that have opposite characteristics to those of ordinary matter, as if reflected in a mirror. Were obtained 38 anti-hydrogen atoms and immobilized, in a scenario (albeit with some key differences) recalls the novel "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.

EXPERIMENT - As in the novel "Angels and Demons," in CERN in Geneva has been produced and trapped anti-matter, that matter "mirror" in which the particles have the same mass but opposite electrical charge than the ordinary matter. "But it is unthinkable to bring the antimatter for a walk in a bottle, as happens in the novel," says physicist Andrea Vacchi, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). It is sufficient that an anti-hydrogen atom is in contact with the material ordinary, such as a gas or with the same walls of the container, because a giant explosion takes place. Entering into contact, in fact, matter and antimatter cancel each other (or annihilate) each other. The great thing about the result announced today by CERN, obtained by the group of Jeffrey Hangst, is that it is now possible to produce antimatter and "parked" with a great precision. This means that from now on the 38 anti-hydrogen atoms become an extraordinary laboratory to finally put antimatter in comparison with ordinary matter. The hope is able to resolve one of the great puzzles of contemporary physics, namely at the Big Bang because nature has "preferred" ordinary matter antimatter. Both were in fact produced in the same amount (in a symmetrical manner) and thus should cancel each other out, but this did not happen because a certain amount of matter (calculated on a particle every 10 billion antimatter particles) was able to escape and thanks to this symmetry breaking has formed the world in which we live. What actually happened is still a mystery, but now physicists at CERN have unprecedented tools to do a little 'light.

What Cheese Are They Using At East Side Marios

Literature Architecture Citations

Free man, you always love the sea! The sea is your mirror, you marvel, in the infinite development of the waves, your soul. Your spirit is no less bitter pit.

We take pleasure to dive within your own image, the hugs you with eyes and arms, and your heart is distracted at times from his beat at the sound of this lament untamed and wild.

're both at once dark and discreet man, no one has ever measured the depth of your depth, sea, no one knows your secret riches, so jealous of you keep your mystery.

And yet there are countless centuries fight without mercy or remorse, so you love carnage and death, eternal fighters, implacable brothers.

Charles Baudelaire

Blueberry Juice Dark Stool

Cookies with Marble-drops ....!

Ragazze!! E' arrivato il forno nuovo !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Per inaugurare il felice evento ho scelto una ricetta della mia meravigliosa sorellona adottiva Marble: i suoi biscotti con le gocce di cioccolato......
- 400 gr di farina
- 300 gr soft butter
- 200 gr of sugar cane
- 1 egg
1 egg - 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 250 grams of dark chocolate chips
In a bowl mix the butter softened with the brown sugar, then eggs and blend well the flour gradually. Then add the baking powder and chocolate chips.
Shape into walnut size balls and place them on baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake at 200 ° C for about 13 minutes.
crumbly, buttery and last days (if you resist .....)!!! Thanks Anna Rita

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What Should I Wear To A Lady Gaga Concert?

a long time ago when looking south
the massive stone tower of the auditorium
- a pencil in the hand of a master -
the reddish glow of the Bessemer converters
produced at the south of Chicago
excited me like the pages of Arabian Nights,
with a sense of terror and adventure.

Frank Lloyd Wright
The Nature of Materials
"Architectural Record, "October 1928

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Women Masterbation Picutes

Painting Contest

Painting Contest
Theme " SAN GIORGIO AND THE SEA: Heroic and mystery "

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Unique Sayings To 2010

After long and painful illness ....

.... passed away peacefully
11 years.
Ne from 'the sad announcement will be, a faithful companion over the years, cook delicate and sensitive friend.
I miss you so much!
I knew it would happen sooner or later: if you set the thermostat at 50 ° C was burned all over, and the same at 200 ° C. .... I even began to think it was my fault: I was peggiorata tutto d'un colpo???
Invece è finita. Con uno sbuffo di fumo a forno vuoto.....un singulto...e ti saluto!
Settimana prossima arriverà il sostituto. Dovrò cercare di fare amicizia......

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hiding Vehicle Repossession Arrest

Transamerika - part

Sometimes we chase dreams all my life, trying to grab it, then at the climax when we hear them with your fingertips escape us ... they are experiences that can lead us down into the belly of our saddest thoughts, and yet it is precisely these cases where we can stand up and take the defeat la forza e l'insegnamento per rialzarci più forti di prima. Capita poi che la vita ci conceda una seconda chance, ed è allora che facendo un bel respiro dobbiamo puntare dritti alla meta.
Sono passati appena due anni da quando, dopo aver attraversato il Deserto di Atacama , abbiamo dovuto abbandonare la moto in panne negli sconfinati deserti altiplanici della Bolivia e continuare il viaggio on-the road fino a Machiu Pichu con altri mezzi. Ora siamo pronti per completare quel viaggio attraverso l'America del sud e collegarlo idelamente a questo nuovo sogno che galoppa verso la Fin del Mundo. Tra pochi giorni rimetteremo piede a Santiago e da li, dopo a small transfer, we will begin the journey in motion that will take us along the Camino Austral , south to where the Campo de Hielo not compel us to cross the Andes and continue through the mythic Route 40 to Punta Arenas and beyond, the southernmost city of Ushuaia World .
After sailing on the Beagle Channel there who will sail on two wheels to the north, but will not be sad because a return journey through the wonders of Patagonia Argentina up with the sounds and colors the city of immigrants for excellence Buenos Aires.
Only then, after merging the images in our memory of the great northern plateau and those of the steppe and channels of southern, we cry ..... TRANSAMERIKA!

Where To Buy Small Thongs

Tuscan Rice Pudding "nutellizzati"

Amo la Toscana.
In primis mio marito, senese doc che mi ha introdotta all'amore per questi paesaggi e questi incredibili sapori. E questi dolcetti sono una delle cose più semplici e buone che abbia mai provato. Solitamente si trovano nei bar, si mangiano a colazione e sono inimitabili.
La ricetta originale purtroppo non l'ho trovata: ho navigato between versions housewives, professional, who takes the rum, some raisins, some boiled rice separately and who cooks it in milk.
I finally made a mixture of recipes and, following some of my old post on Wired New York mythical sister, Marble, have reached a good result.
try it!
Ingredients For the pastry:
- 500 grams of flour
- 300 gr soft butter
200 grams of sugar - 4 egg yolks
- a teaspoon of vanilla extract
Blend together and form a ball, which will be left in the fridge for about an hour. Then cover with the pastry molds by muffins and prepare the filling.

Ingredients for filling:
- 300 grams of rice (not parboiled)
- 450 grams of whole milk
- 2 egg yolks and 1 whole egg
- 120 g sugar
- a nut butter
- Nutella
taste Cook the rice in milk until fully absorbed the liquid (discard the grain should not stay but not too al dente). Remove from heat and add sugar, then one egg at a time, and then the whole egg. Mix well with butter and spread on shortbread tins of pre-prepared, having put on the bottom of a nice spoonful of Nutella.
Bake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes, until golden on the surface.
Dust with icing sugar before serving. Delicious
day, fabulous the next day.
Bon appetit!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Sparkling Silver Mini Cooper

Fish pie white

you excuse me, I know I already posted similar recipes, but since I found out that, as my eating gnomes the fish happy, fantasy has been satisfied and it will not stop ....!
short, I had these 4 trout in the freezer and some gigantic move ahead in the refrigerator, thus was born this delicious pie: delicate but tasty at the same time.
PS: the plate in the photo, close with the broccoli, it is obviously not the gnomes ..... They have accompanied the fish with some good roasted potatoes!
- 4 fresh trout
- 4 mozzarella
anchovies in olive oil - fresh thyme
- parmesan
breadcrumbs - salt and pepper and extra virgin olive oil to taste Prepare
the flesh of the trout fish in the baking oven, without condiments, and cleaning it well. Put the pulp into a bowl and season with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh thyme, mix well. In a
buttered baking dish pour half of the fish flesh and press it well on the bottom. Make the anchovy fillets into small pieces and distribute them on the meat and mozzarella. Finish with the last layer of fish, sprinkle with Parmesan and bread crumbs.
Bake at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes.
Bon appetit!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Travestis Sanfrancisco Ca

My new blog!

Hello everyone!
I decided to start a new blog about my latest passion, the rockpainting.
Have you seen any of my stones food-happy in this space. But now my stones have their own place!!
Switch to visit me, will you let me please!
Sara and her happy stones.