Are you ready to sacrifice? The purpose of Mission
ANAGNI - After days of anticipation and voices more or less unofficial ieri è stato ufficialmente pubblicato il bilancio 2008 del comune di Anagni, varato dal Commissario prefettizio dott. Ernesto Raio, in collaborazione con il vicecommissario dott. Zottola. Un appuntamento atteso da molti in città, perché si faceva riferimento proprio a questa pubblicazione per avere una stima precisa della salute finanziaria della città dei papi. La pubblicazione ha senz'altro confermato quelle che erano state le anticipazioni fatte dallo stesso Raio; ovvero, accanto alla presenza di un avanzo di cassa di circa 7 milioni di euro, è stata evidenziata anche la presenza di numerosi debiti fuori bilancio, nella misura di circa 2 milioni e mezzo di euro. Che hanno portato, per far quadrare il tutto, ad inasprire diverse taxes that weigh now directly on the shoulders of Anagni citizens. Discard the ICI, and still in the charges made heavier for example, additional personal income tax, which was increased to 1, 1%. Next to which are then added for example, costs for transportation and school meals, which were the subject of a significant upside. Although the Commissioner has taken in this regard to remember that we should speak more accurately than the cost of living adjustment, since the same rates had remained steady for several years. The situation still remains very complex and subject to change. Given that the same auditors (the prof. Picaro Raffaele, Dr. Alessandro Felli, and Rag, Francesco Marucci) in their final report annexed to the city budget have made it clear that "the majority of off-balance sheet liabilities in the balance sheet, many of which are stratified during previous administrations, at the time had not been duly recognized" In short, the debt situation of the town of Anagni, still not entirely clear. As a result, they always said the auditors "are to avoid any commitments in terms of personnel, both in terms of recruitment and stabilization, and credit lines on the management of key local public services that go beyond the mandate of the commissioner." Everything then blocked for at least a year, until an elected government will come from citizens. It goes without saying that we must "minimize any work involving commitments initiatives luxuries." In short, we will have to tighten their belts in the city, waiting for the "civic administration will be elected as a result of the vote in 2009." It does not appear an extremely favorable. For which you may already be made, in the coming days, the race attribution, from right and left of the authorship of those debts off-balance the presence of which is the largest mortgage for the health of the banks of the town of Anagni.
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