Monday, March 14, 2011

I Delete Bootcamp Parallel

Beetroot with cream cheese and ham pie quartirolo

The winter is ending and beginning to end also the time for hot soups and reassuring.
I I took the opportunity and I enjoyed this wonderful cream.
hot, not too sweet, and so much "comfort food "....:-)

  • One shallot
  • A medium raw beetroot
  • Vegetable broth
  • Quartirolo at will
  • evo oil, salt, pepper
start fry sliced \u200b\u200bshallots in two tablespoons of oil. Add la rapa pulita e tagliata a tocchetti, lasciamo insaporire e poi copriamo tutto con il brodo vegetale già caldo.
Portiamo a cottura e frulliamo tutto con il minipimer, fino a renderlo cremoso (in aggiunta si può stemperare un cucchiaio di creme freiche).
Servire la crema bollente in una ciotola sbriciolando sulla superficie una bella fettona di quartirolo.
Bon appetit ! 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Toter Trash Cans At Lowes

Photojournalism - Buenos Aires

From Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, where waving flags with the image of Che, the colors of the ... through the Caminito Tango and the Palermo district. And 'here in the chaos of the city and between the faces of Ni Doors that the essence of the metropolis we live in argentina and we bid farewell to this incredible journey ...
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