Call me Ishmael. A few years ago - never mind exactly when-having little or nothing in my pocket, and nothing in particular he could be interested in the ground, I decided to go a bit 'at sea, and see eQuòrea part of the world. It's a way I have to drive away the sadness, and regulating the circulation. Every time I meeting on the mouth a bitter grimace, and every time I have a soul and dripping wet in November, when I find myself wanting to stand in front of the stores without coffins, or appended to every funeral I meet, and especially when the ' hypochondrium able to dominate so much that only a strong moral principle can stop me from going out on the street and decided to lay on the ground methodically put his hat to the people, then I realize that it's time to get to sea as soon as possible: This is my surrogate for gun and bullet. With a grand gesture philosophical Cato throws himself on the sword: I quietly m'imbarco. And there's nothing wrong with that. If only they knew, sooner or later almost all feed on each in its own way, more or less the same as my feelings for the ocean. (Moby-Dick Herman Melville).
Who of us has ever wanted to throw it and walk away, and with only boundless horizons ahead, as our dear Ishmael .......