Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Best Victoria Secret For Small Breasts

From Hong Kong to Saigon, travel in the middle ground

's incredibly one year has elapsed since the last trip with the "V" capital ", to be honest Twelve months ago I was basking in the sun of Arica (Chile), I looked back and look into the whole road that had slipped away behind us. Twelve months of intense life to sniff the air waiting for the resumption road to flow, and now here we are just a few hours from a fresh start ...... January 1, 2010 to Hong Kong, where one of its districts there expects the most densely populated square kilometers of land (50000 inhabitants per sq km). Let the lights of the Asian Tiger drift into the train through the south-west of China to the Vietnamese border, from here we will enter directly Halong Bay, then to Hanoi and the northern border with its ethnic minorities, go down the middle to scrutinize the latest fnita scars of war for 40 years where there was once the demilitarized zone, and will arrive in busy Saigon inifine now that beats of life 24 hours a day. A short distance from it before us the immense delta of the Mekong, as if to close in the reverse that journey began two years ago in Thailand. A journey through Laos and Cambodia in Phnom Pen and ends a few miles from that same Delta that are found in about a month. a new one-twelfth of a year long journey that I hope to record soon with one of my full report from the World ........... wishes for Happy 2010 to everyone!

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ranch Hand Legend Grille Guard

photojournalism - Levico Terme

Every year in the beautiful surroundings of the park belonged to the Habsburgs, in December, will play the beautiful Christmas markets. An opportunity to visit the Trentino and to enter into a fairy-tale atmosphere.

(Go to Photo Reportage)

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Licenza Creative Commons .

Friday, December 18, 2009

Blotch Gay Yiff Archive

Photo Report - Spain

Eccovi una veloce carrellata di immagini relative al recente viaggio in Aragona fatto alla fine di ottobre. Un viaggio iniziato con la festosa popolazione di Zaragoza, ancora persa nella tradizione della corrida, barbara e crudele almeno quanto caratteristica, tra le sponde del Rio Ebro e la grande Basilica della Virgen del Pilar, continuato negli sconfinati spazi della regione che si estende dalle vigne di Carinena ai piccoli paesini fortificati di Daroca, Teruel, e finito nella magnifica cornice di Albarracìn; dove si può respirare ancora l'odore dell'antica terra di Aragon.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Color Shoes With Burgandy Dress


With the beginning of a fruitful collaboration that I hope under the artistic profile of this month, December 2009, you can regularly find my short photo essays and reportage on the Magazine on-ine: Tempovissuto ( www.tempovissuto.it )

Monday, November 16, 2009

Watch Green Green Erolutions Uncensored

One No border and no one hundred thousand

E tutto, attimo per attimo, è com'è, che savviva per apparire. Volto subito gli occhi per non vedere piú nulla fermarsi nella sua apparenza e morire. Cosí soltanto io posso vivere, ormai. Rinascere attimo per attimo. Impedire che il pensiero sí metta in me di nuovo a lavorare, e dentro mi rifaccia il vuoto delle vane costruzioni.
La città è lontana. Me ne giunge, a volte, nella calma del vespro, il suono delle campane. Ma ora quelle campane le odo non piú dentro di me, ma fuori, per sé sonare, che forse ne fremono di gioia nella loro cavità ronzante, in un bel cielo azzurro pieno di sole caldo tra lo stridío delle rondini o nel vento nuvoloso, pesanti e cosí alte sui campanili aerei. Pensa death, praying. There is also those who still have this need, and if they are heading to the bells. I did not need more than this, because I die every moment, I am reborn and new and without memories alive and whole, no more in me, but in every thing out.

(Luigi Pirandello)

How To Brazilian Waxing Online Games

The "Lovers of Music" in Alba (CN)

parade in the old city and "Great concert in the auditorium Ferrero Foundation. Our band leader in the confectionery industry in Europe and the world .
A new and important experience for our association to be added in the broad curriculum dell'UPCF is was held on 30 and 31 October in Alba (CN), in the city known for its tartufo bianco e soprattutto perchè sede principale dell'industria multinazionale Ferrero.
Accolti dai maggiori rappresentanti dell'azienda e dal vicepresidente nonchè nostro socio onorario ambasciatore Francesco Paolo Fulci, i bandisti hanno visitato i settori più importanti della fabbrica ed hanno degustato i suoi prodotti principali.
Giorno 30 Ottobre la banda si è esibita lungo le vie principali dell'antico centro storico albese e dinanzi al Duomo, ricevendo gli applausi e le congratulazioni da parte dei numerosi passanti che quotidianamente affollano le strade della città piemontese.
Day on October 31 the "Lovers of music will perform in the" Great Concert "held in the auditorium of the Ferrero Foundation. Once again, our band has shown his talent and musical ability, winning the applause of the spectators who occupied the whole room. After this exhibition, people also had the opportunity to see an exhibition of local products of our land.
Congratulations to the band, able to bring his upbeat music in a city already marked by winter climate of the North. The Alba, in these two wonderful days, were able to enjoy the warmth of our Sicily.
And so with great pride the UPCF can boast yet another musical experience of great prestige, which will remain in the history of our association.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dry 2 Days Before Period?

Grand Concert Band Group "MUSIC LOVERS"

Auditorium Fondazione Ferrero Alba (CN)

Saturday, October 31, 2009 21:00

"Grand Concert"

With a band, "Lovers of Music"

dell'UPCF S. Filippo del Mela (Messina)

directs the Master Carmelo Nastasi

Go to the site

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sore Behind Right Ear


Call me Ishmael. A few years ago - never mind exactly when-having little or nothing in my pocket, and nothing in particular he could be interested in the ground, I decided to go a bit 'at sea, and see eQuòrea part of the world. It's a way I have to drive away the sadness, and regulating the circulation. Every time I meeting on the mouth a bitter grimace, and every time I have a soul and dripping wet in November, when I find myself wanting to stand in front of the stores without coffins, or appended to every funeral I meet, and especially when the ' hypochondrium able to dominate so much that only a strong moral principle can stop me from going out on the street and decided to lay on the ground methodically put his hat to the people, then I realize that it's time to get to sea as soon as possible: This is my surrogate for gun and bullet. With a grand gesture philosophical Cato throws himself on the sword: I quietly m'imbarco. And there's nothing wrong with that. If only they knew, sooner or later almost all feed on each in its own way, more or less the same as my feelings for the ocean. (Moby-Dick Herman Melville).
Who of us has ever wanted to throw it and walk away, and with only boundless horizons ahead, as our dear Ishmael .......

Monday, September 28, 2009

Transparent Haifa Wehbe


Music, fun and games have found a common point
It 's true that the recreational activity music education and allow a healthy growth and training of young people. Our association, agreeing completely with this statement, sought to organize a summer Grest, tenutosi dal 25 Giugno sino all'11 Luglio, in cui più di cinquanta bambini hanno trascorso delle giornate meravigliose.
Queste due intense settimane, con la collaborazione di alcuni soci della banda musicale e di un animatore di gruppo, sono state caratterizzate da giochi di gruppo che si sono svolti in diverse parti del nostro paese (il piazzale retrostante al Duomo, l'oasi San Francesco, Piazza Fulci, Piazzale Pertini).
I bambini, divisi in quattro squadre (rossa, nera, bianca, blu), al termine di ogni giornata, per gentile concessione della Ferrero tramite its president and honorary member of our Ambassador Francesco Paolo Fulci, were able to enjoy delicious snacks and drinks.
The UPCF also undertook to give the opportunity to participate nts to leave the area of \u200b\u200bApple and three unforgettable experience of living in Nature Reserve oriented lakes of Marinello, the beach of Marina Venetico Oasis and Capuchin Roccavaldina.
playing, having fun, but also music: the boys of Grest sang songs belonging to each team and have been in contact with reality musical band.
short, a real success that convinced the association in pursuit of this initiative in future years.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Best Cruise For Friends 40

Horizons Report Photo: Dublin - U2 360 ° Report Photo Tour

A series of images from the city of Dublin and the surrounding area. Stolen shots in a weekend intensive, lived between pints of Guinness in the dark fantasy and old-fashioned noisy pubs, which is probing the alleys around the old river Liffey flowing from wicklow muntain, but now an orphan of the precious barrels barges prtavano Beer and the cliffs of Hawth where only 30 minutes by train from central Respirable you can smell the sea and an Ireland that from then on is all else. To end with the ciligina on the cake of Croke Park as a frame to the U2 concert ........... (go to images)

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Gay Cruising At Disney

: Provence and the Camargue

Here are pictures of the beautiful last weekend on the roads of Provence and the Camargue on horseback made on May 1, but above all, made in the new traveling companion to two wheels: Honda Varadero 1000. In three and a half days we ground 1700 km (with a 700km stage from well) without hearing them. It must have been for the fantastic scenery of the Alpes de Haute Provence, romantic or bucolic hills of the Luberon. But the road is nicely slipped up at Avignon, the city of the Popes, and then down to the river Rhone in Camargue boundless loneliness swept by the Mistral, to finally arrive in the narrow streets of Aix-en-Provence, the city of Paul Cezanne to dine outdoors on a spring that he knew in the summer .......... (SEE PICTURES)

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Fixing Auxilary Input Car Stereo


It is now finally available on LULU.COM version of the book: Orme - World trails, in. PDF

You can download at no cost of 2.90 € uro!!

addition to the traditional paper book lovers, like me, you can buy queso on site as well as information on Boopen. or type in search bar on this link:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Waxing For Man Jacksonville,fl


directs Maestro Carmelo Nastasi
.......... ..............
Tuesday, August 24, 2009 - 21.00

Pool Color Rose Pedals

S. Filippo del Mela ... TIME

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 21:00

Keeping the promise of last year, our association, at the end of the 30th anniversary of its foundation day on August 25 will again present the Second edition of e. .. been in Piazza Garibaldi, particularly appreciated by the Philippians is not alone.
The event will enable those present to know our roots from the past through stories, songs and music of the folk tradition.
The wide success of exactly one year ago in the first edition, shows the keen interest of our fellow citizens linked to the past, aware of belonging to a highly globalized economy and culture in a country that in recent decades has been heavily industrialized.

Many news and surprises that will be this year and obviously we will not give now.
during the event will be:

  • Antonio Trifiro - Soprano
  • Tindaro Dario Pino - Piano
  • "Malanova" - Group Ethnic

The public can also view photos and original documents that highlight the work and commitment of our association that lasted for 30 years ...

  • Presidency Province of Messina
  • Municipality San Filippo del Mela

Friday, July 24, 2009

How To Program My Starchoice Remote With The Tv

U2 - 360 ° Tour, Croke Park - Dublin

Finally it is time to leave for the Summer 2009 event.
Tonight we fly to Dublin, my first time in the Irish capital, and after a weekend hanging out in the streets of the city between the rivers of Giunness in Temple Bar on Monday night attended the concert of the owners and we hope it is ........ MAGNIFICENT as we expect it!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fotos Educativas Cancer

Peru '- In the Footsteps of the Incas

The cold and magical waters of Lake Titicaca, which reflected the deep blue sky, up the steep slopes of the Andes that jealously guard the Sacred Valley. A path along the south of Peru in search of what was once the largest empire of South America and surrendered only to the ferocity and thirst for the riches of the empire spangolo. A trip between the Aymara and Quechua what remains of the descendants of the Uros ........

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Monday, April 27, 2009

How To Uninstallcreative Sound Blaster X-fi Mb

Peru - Machiu Picchiu, the Ciudad Perdida

Machiu Picchiu difficult to describe in a few words ..... difficult as Ciudad Perdida is an archaeological site of an Inca shrine, a place tourism, or in a beautiful place nestled in the Andean cordillera. Machiu Picchiu is a place that knows how to be in a few moments out of the line of space and time, in fact knows to be magical. That comes to us with the rattling and tourist train or through the Inca Trail does not matter if you are fortunate to be within the citadel when the soft and diffused light of dawn begins his way through the smoky haze, at that time where few tourists get lost without a sound swallowed by the landscape, a world that seems to keep to its roots remained intact, as in a fairy tale will keep the tiny forms of life that always populate the city, the drops of dew that moisten the 'grass, rock, dense vegetation, and then you will want to reach the summit of Wayna Picchiu to see this world from the top and make it a little coriander, and from there, through the fog, between flights, and minutes of brave birds and the howl of Urubamba river in the valley that chidere eyes and you hear a Condor ready to fly on the eternal Andean peaks ........

(Go to Pictures)

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Headache On Top Of Head, Fever, Tummy Ache

The People's University surfed Philippians
at the thirtieth anniversary of its founding



"Poetry in dialect
today "

The meeting will take place Thursday, April 30, 2009 , at 18.00 at the Exhibition Auditorium of our home.

  • greet President
  • Giuseppe Amico
  • Speakers:
  • Prof. Joseph Anania
  • (Board of rector UPCF)
  • Prof. Antonio Catalfamo
  • (University of Messina)
  • Coordinator:
  • Prof. Salvatore Pizzurro
  • Poems read by:
  • Lillina Ammendolia
  • Salvatore Bertè
  • musical Posts:
  • Peter Mendolia
  • John Ragno

Under the patronage of the City of St. Filippo del Mela